Tuesday, January 23, 2007


MySpace Codes

Why are war video games so popular now?

Why I believe that war video games are so popular now is it seems that people like pretending then leaving. They like the fact that they can be in an unrealistic world. It seems that war games are the new craze. Its popular because of the advertisement around it, as well always be in our face no matter how hard we try to run away from it. I do understand that people like the action of video games but war games have become more developed and action packed. It’s what everyone wants to play and want in both playstation and Xbox. Another important fact is when the game systems like playstation develop so do the games meaning better visuals, better missions, and better people. Who wouldn’t want that realistic theme of a war on there TV?

2. "If it's not realistic, it's not worth playing," is a quote in the article. Do you think realistic war game desensitize people to the horror of war or is it just fun?

To some it’s like a fantasy they know they will never be in a war but they still want to feel it. My opinion I think its horror. I do have an older brother and when I do see him playing his war games its kind of scary watching the effects. In his case its different he is in the army and its kind of a practice. He wants to feel it and see it, but to him it’s just a game. When I see others its more like life to them. In the game there a different person, they have a life in there own "game world". I agree with that quote because to me it is a horror. If I had kids I wouldn't want them playing some of those games that I see others playing. There's a certain audience that these games can focus on but for the young ones it shouldn't apply.

3. What do you personally think of war video games?

Personally I don’t like them and I don’t play them. It's hard to see how video games have changed from Sonic, and Pac man, to fighting and war. I don't enjoy games like these because to me killing someone isn't fun. My opinion is war games should be less advertised compared to other games. It seems that these games are being advertised to the wrong crowd and wrong message. To me if i had kids I wouldn't want them to play games like these because as i said before for some it's there own world. Next thing kids will be using excuses saying they learned this move on a game. As i said before we need to be more careful and stop attracting the wrong kids sooner then later.


Blogger SANCHEZ, said...

hey chantee.
just wanted to comment on your blog :)
I agree that war video games should be advertised less & that they are advertised to the wrong crowd and gives out the wrong messages. I'd rather play Super Mario games. Anyways keep it up!
loooovelove karizza

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